Combine two parts young adult author, one part Marian the Librarian and add a generous dash of modern day smart-chick cool. Mix liberally with a flair for gripping stories full of vividly real characters. Brighton, Michigan author S. J. Lomas has mastered the art of drawing the reader into the story, offering us characters we feel like we know as we follow them on their journey riddled with danger, romance and adventure. Lomas' recently published Dream Girl is a great read. The only downside once you've devoured Dream Girl? Waiting for the sequel (yes, there is one in the works!). Kiss of Death, a creepy young adult short story, might sate your appetite until then. S.J. Lomas is a cheerful Michigan girl who writes strange and somewhat dark stories. She has a special fondness for books by Michael Lawrence, Beth Revis and Eve Marie Mont. Lomas admits her writing fulfills a secret wish she has to live an extra life in a dreamworld, especially if she could dream her way to England. Like many writers, S. J. Lomas embodies several characters herself in the course of any given day: Mother, Librarian, Author, among others. She finds that late nights are prime writing hours and her commute to and from work is perfect for working out plot points. Lomas is also of the pen-and-paper ilk, feeling most connected to her fiction when she begins longhand in a notebook before transitioning to the computer once the story is really up and running. And then there's the music. Like me, Lomas works best when her characters have a soundtrack for their story. The author's playlist varies greatly depending on scene, tone and what exactly is happening at the moment. One Republic, Owl City, Christina Perri, Moby and Paul McCartney are a few of the eclectic mix in the background while Lomas is crafting intriguing young adult plotlines. Dream Girl Teaser: So many stars shone overhead that I could see our arm of the Milky Way extending from beyond Earth and into the vastness of space. I raised my arms to the sky, letting the universe wash over me. It was so dark it was easy to imagine I was floating in space, not unlike another wonderful evening I'd had. If I hadn't been so absorbed by the beauty around me, I might have realized where I was. "I wondered if you'd be back." Website: Blog: Twitter: Facebook: Dream Girl (Amazon): Dream Girl (Barnes & Noble):
November 2015
Last update: March 3, 2022